Friday, April 23, 2010

Introduction - Sook-Yhin

Hi everyone,

My name is Sook-Yhin and I am a dietetics student from Life University.
Currently, I am taking the Study of Vitamins & Minerals class. Me and my partner, Kristin will post informations about iodine in this blog.

I will cover:
Biochemical reactions of Iodine in body
Iodine deficiency
Iodine quiz

Finally, welcome to our blog!

Introduction: Kristin G.

Hello All :)
I am a student at Life University currently enrolled in a Vit/Minerals class.
Through the duration of this quarter I will be posting periodically information about Iodine.
I will be including information on the following:
-chemical structure/formula
-biochemical and metabolic functions
-dietary requirements
-dietary sources

Look Forward to Bloggin' with Ya!